Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Affirmative Action

Affirmative action was brought into affect by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This act stated that minorities and women should be able to receive job and school admission based off of less rigorous requirements. This law is so outdated that it is ridiculous. It is over 40 years old. Our society has come so far in regards to racism from the 60’s that it is beyond me how we could still have this in affect.
Granted, back in the 60’s, this law was very necessary to help level the playing field. However, in society now, it doesn’t make any difference what color your skin is or what gender you are; all that matters is how qualified you are for your chosen career or school.
Its about time that our society woke up and realized this so that we can move on with our lives as equals. I have researched this topic in great detail and I know it to be a fact that the public opinion as a whole doesn’t agree with this law either. Maybe our elected law makers should take that into affect and change some things instead of being afraid of not being re-elected the following year.
The time for change is now. Not next year or in the near future, but now. This law could potentially affect my career in the future is this is not revised or at least looked into. I understand that this topic is very sensitive, but our society can’t dance around it anymore. We have to come to a decision soon that makes EVERYONE equal.

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