Sunday, February 24, 2008

Joy Synthesis

Sam believes that joy is: “Your own personal feeling of happiness, only you yourself know what joy feels like to you” (Sam).

We correlate on what joy is because we both feel that it differs among each person. There is no set definition of joy to us, it is something that you create for yourself and that you alone feel. To one person, joy might be obtained from a job, while for another, joy might be obtained from sports or family.

However, joy does have one common similarity. It brings happiness to people in one form or another. This is the ultimate feeling of content and a surreal experience.


Joy to me is the ultimate feeling of happiness and content. It is the exact moment in time when you realize how amazing your life is and want to continue pursuing your dreams. I find much joy in playing sports. They truly make me happy and drive me to do better in school and life to be able to compete.

My family is the most important thing to me in the world. They support me through all my hardships and love me with all their hearts. Knowing that i have them as a support system and for my entire life, causes me much joy.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Could you imagine life as a prisoner? When i say prisoner, i don't mean being locked up in a cell for a few years, i mean spending your whole life staring at a wall believing that shadows are real people and that you are a free person. This is basically how Plato described the prisoners in his story, The Cave. Plato was all about discovering the truth and this story is his way of saying that people need to open their eyes and stop following what people tell them to do or say.
This, in my eyes, is an example of how people listen to the media and never question their ideas. The media puts horrible scenarios and sad stories on the news and always strays from presenting good stories that supply hope. Also, the tabloids produce the most ridiculous magazines in the world. The issues talk about nothing that is relevant to everyday life; instead, they focus on how ‘fat’ Britney Spears is getting or who is using drugs. Most, if not all of the stories are fictional, yet people love this gossip and continue to fuel the nonsense.
Society is blinded by what they see on television. It is ruining how people interact with each other and develop intelligence instead of fueling ignorance. The Cave is exactly what the media is; an example of how ignorant society is now and probably always will be. Now is the time to change our behaviors, not tomorrow.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

This is a picture of a woman baking pie and living up to the typical female stereotype. The title, Genderlicous, shows that the author was clearly an angered female who is not going to live up to the stereotype that is created by society.
Still today, after women have been granted all the rights that males have, women are thought about as housewives. We expect wives and woman with children to stay home with them all day while men go out to work and earn money. This is wrong in many ways. Women have contributed so much to society that men do not appreciate or acknowledge.
This picture is very powerful in my eyes. It shows how angry women are at the image society creates for them. The image being that they not only have to be good cooks and cleaners, but have to be slim, blonde, and constantly have a smile on their face as if they have no care in the world. This image is not fitting and is outdated. The time has come for men to accept women to be strong and independent beings with a hunger for success. This drive allows women to compete with men for jobs while still being loving mothers.
In closing, I want to make sure my point about gender roles is clearly stated. They are not fair and cause men and women to go through many hardships. Society needs to accept everyone for who they are and allow them to be themselves. Gender roles are pointless, useless, and stereotypical. The time has come for society to evolve and open their minds to new ideas.